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Forest Trees

Welcome to Our Village

We're so glad you're here.

Getting the right mental health supports can be such a complicated process

that many people who need it give up before even reaching the intake process.

We're here to help.

From finding providers who accept your insurance

to helping you make your therapy appointments

to helping you find the resources you need for sustenance,

we are here to provide as much support as you need to begin your mental health care.

Community is critical to mental wellness.

In addition to directing you to mental health service providers and

other local nonprofit organizations that will benefit you,

we will help you find somewhere to belong if you do not currently have a "village" of your own.


Our vision is that you will successfully integrate mental wellness strategies into daily life and

be planted and deeply rooted in the right social community to enable you to thrive.

Group-Based Mental Health Support

Hand Support Each Other

Because community is crucial to emotional wellbeing,
we have partnered with government agencies,

mental health service providers, and

other nonprofit organizations to offer both
peer-led support groups and clinician-led group therapy
to share much-needed information and skills as well as
to give space to form connections with others 
in our area who are in relatable situations.

Beautiful Nature
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Our monthly email will keep you up to date with organizational news and the impact we're making in our community!

Thanks for subscribing!

Tree Roots


Donations of any size help to increase our reach and further our mission to connect AV residents with the resources they need to thrive.

All donations made to Live Oak Mental Wellness Project are tax-deductible,

so please consider working us into your monthly Charitable Giving budget!


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Live Oak Mental Wellness Project, Inc.


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